Facial Treatments

Proudly partnering with Germaine De Capuccini advanced skin care. Facial treatments are chosen by they results you would like to achieve and also what your skin needs at the time.

Germaine De Capuccini are an advanced luxury skin care that is multi award winning, tested and proven to give results. The range is vast and can be tailored to suit every skin type. It works well for all skin types and especially menopausal skin, stressed skin, ageing skin for ageing well.

Germaine De Capuccini is found in the most prestigious salons ans spas around the world and I am thrilled to be able to offer this amazing technologies and treatments to you. 

Facial Add On Treatments

Enjoy more indulgence buy adding a little 15 - 30 min treatment to any of our facial treatments

  • Reflexology   -   extra 15mins   -   £15
  • Back & Neck Massage   -   15mins   -   £15
  • Ear Candles   -   20mins   -   £20
  • Expert Eye & Lip Needling   -   20 mins   -   £20
  • LED mask   -   30mins   -   £20


Reignite Express Facial   -   45 mins   -   £45

A great little recharge facial for those short on time but need a little pamper. Featuring a full length manual lymphatic drainage and lifting massage. 

This facial incorporates a double cleanse, exfoliation, serum, feature massage, eye and lip cream, facial oil, moisurise and SPF to finish

Book Your Reignite Express Facial treatment HERE!


LED Facial Treatment with CELLUMA   -   45mins   £45 single treatment  Course of 8 treatments - £315

Celluma is an award winning LED mask that is used to treat a number of skin concerns using the energy waves of different light colour and near infrared. With proven clinical results the led light can also treat the important difficult to treat eye area. The LED setting and type are chosen for your skin concern.

For best results a course of 8 is recommended taken 2-3 times a week, then you can enjoy monthly maintenance to keep the results going.

The LED facial incorporates a double cleanse, tone, exfoliate, led mask for 30 mins, serum, eye and lip cream, facial oil, moisturise and SPF to finish

Book Your LED Facial Treatment HERE!


Deluxe LED Facial Treatment   -   75mins   -   £70 single treatment        Course of 8 treatments £490

The deluxe treatment incorporates a triple cleanse, tone, PHA skin peel, led mask, serum, full length massage, eye and lip cream, facial oil, moisturise and SPF to finish.

Book Your Deluxe LED Treatment HERE!


Skin Peels   -   30mins   -   £55 single treatment

Course of 6 treatments - £275

Our skin peels are AHA's, BHA's, AZA'a and PHA's.

AHA's including mandelic acid, lactic acid, glycolic acid and pyruvic acid, they are organic molecules with various chemical structures, concentratins and PH. AHA's activate the skins rejuvenation process, increasing collagen and elastine product as well as hydration and normalising the skin and the keratinisation process. They break down the bonds of skin cells that are waiting to desquamate (fall off)

BHA's like salasylic acid have a potent exfoliating, anti inflammatory and antimicrobial action

AZA'a like Azelaic acid have a similar action to BHA's

PHA's work very superficially and are extremely safe for all skin types especially sensitive skin and skin that has been in the sun.

Before and After Care Information

  • Do not expose the skin to the sun 24hrs before your treatment
  • Do not wax or use hair removal creams 24hrs before your treatment
  • No advanced treatments like other peels, laser hair removal, laser skin treatments 3-4 weeks before your treatment
  • No retinol or aggresive products on the skin 5 weeks before your treatment
  • Use SPF 50 daily after treatment
  • Avoid sun exposure for 2 weeks after treatment
  • Avoid cardio exercies 48hrs after treatment
  • Avoid suna, steam room and swimming 48hrs after treatment
  • Avoid vitamin A on the skinfor 3 days after treatment
  • Mineral make up can be used 12hrs after treatment

Your skin peel with be chosen for your skin concerns and skin type. Skin peels are best enjoyed every 2 weeks for best results.

Germaine De Capuccini Expert Lab Peels - proven results

  • AOX for all skin types, includes a peel and an antioxidant, Lactobionic & Farulic 
  • M-40 Clarifying Hyperpigmentation 40% Mandelic Acid
  • P-40 Rejuvenating  40% Pyruvic Acid & 5% Lactic Acid
  • S-25 - Purifying 25% Salicilic Acid

Juliet Armand Ameson Peels 

  • Glycolic 50% - Anti Ageing & Pigmentation
  • Mandelic 40% - sensitive & Rosacea
  • Salicylic & Azelaic - Acne
  • Lactic 50% Sensitive and Dry

Skin peels consist of a double cleanse, tone, peel layered or no and left for a certain time depending on your skin tolerance, serum, eye and lip cream, facial balm and SPF to finish

Book Your Skin Peel Treatment HERE!


Spa Facials   -   75mins   -   £85

Using Germaine De Capuccini facials chosen for your skins need and your concerns.

  • Royal Jelly Elixir - for stressed, sensitive skin
  • Timexpert Hyaluronic - for deep hydration
  • Timexpert Radiance C - anti glycation and illumination
  • Timexpert Excel O2 - oxygenating and antipollution
  • Timexpert SRNS - Multi regeneration and epigenetics (switching on dormant DNA)
  • Timexpert Neo Age - Line & Wrinkles

The epitome of luxurious experiences. Lying on a warm extra wide comfort couch, draped in a cosy blanket, you begin your facial with a body brush to kick start and activate the lymphatic system, then moving into the facial itself, a lovely head massage and reiki while the mask is in place to totally relax and balance you.

Your regular facials will change depending on your skin and seasonal and hormonal changes, and so you will get to enjoy a few of the above facials. Your skin is constantly changing and so with treatments we change and adapt to meet those changes.

Book Your Spa Facial Treatment HERE!


Advanced Microneedling   -   90mins   -   £130

Course of 4 treatments taken 2-4 weeks apart   -   £590

Course includes an SPF and aesthetic supplement pack

Microneedling is a method of skin rejuvenation that causes micro-channels all over the skin, this fources the skin into a wound healing response, this encourages the skin to produce certain grow factors that then activate fibroblast cells to produce new collagen and elastine structure. 

What is advanced microneedling and why is it different from microneedling? I have coined the term advanced micronnedling to show the difference between the two ways of treatment. Microneedling is often just the method of needling on the skin added to a facial. Advance microneedling on the other hand is an in depth treatment using a meticulous needling technique coupled with advanced mesotherapy cocktails, skin peel  and led mask. The needling technique is a cross hatch method ensuring every part of the skin has the same level of treatment, using circular motion does not allow for this and some area of the skin are treatment more or less. Every part of the skin from face, neck and behind the ears are target for a full skin rejuvenation treatment.

Your facial will incorporate a triple cleanse, tone, PHA skin peel, led mask, microneedling to the face and neck, nano needling to lips and eye area, treatment balm and SPF to finish, while your peel and mask is on, enjoy and head massage and reiki balancing too.

Book Your Advance Microneedling HERE!


Cosmetic Acupuncture   -   90mins   -   £99

Course of 10 treatments   -   £900

Cosmetic acupuncture uses acupuncture needles in the face, feet and ears to rejuvenate the skin, bring about QI to the face, lift and tighten the muscle of the face, encourage blood flow to the tissue and lymphatic drainage. By working on specific acupressure point in the face, feet and ears we are also working on the organs and systems of the body to help them flow to their optimum. As well as working on particular points to enhance or alleviate certain physical and physiological conditions.

Working on the whole of you both inside and out.

A course of 10 is recommended for best results.

Your cosmetic acupuncture consists of a a skin brushing treatment to start, a triple cleanse, tone, PHA peel, needles applied, led mask, eye and lip cream, facial oil, moisurise and SPF to finish. While your peel and mask is on you can enjoy a head massage and reiki

Book Your Cosmetic Acupuncture Total Face & Body Treatment HERE!


Advanced Cosmetic Acupunture   -   120mins   -   £222

Course of 10 treatments   -   £1888

Your advanced cosmetic acupuncture consists of a skin brushing treatments to kick start the lymphatic system, a triple cleanse, tone, PHA peel, needles applied to face, feet and ears, led mask, reiki while the led mask in is place, microneedling with advanced mesotherapy serums, face mask, reflexology while the second mask is applied,  repair gel to face and neck and SPF to finish.

Book You Advanced Cosmetic Acupuncture Total Face & Body Treatment HERE!